Site down for maintenance.

"; exit; } if (!is_writable(TMP_TEMPLATES_C_LOCATION) || !is_writable(TMP_CACHE_LOCATION)) { echo 'Error'; echo '

The following directories must be writable by the web server:
'; echo 'tmp/cache
'; echo 'tmp/templates_c

'; echo '

Please correct by executing:
chmod 777 tmp/cache
chmod 777 tmp/templates_c

or the equivilent for your platform before continuing.

'; echo ''; exit; } require_once($dirname.'/include.php'); // optionally enable output compression (as long as debug mode isn't on) if( isset($config['output_compression']) && ($config['output_compression']) && $config['debug'] != true ) { @ob_start('ob_gzhandler'); } else { @ob_start(); } $gCms = cmsms(); $params = array_merge($_GET, $_POST); $smarty = $gCms->GetSmarty(); $smarty->params = $params; $page = get_pageid_or_alias_from_url(); $contentops = cmsms()->GetContentOperations(); $contentobj = ''; if( $page == '__CMS_PREVIEW_PAGE__' && isset($_SESSION['cms_preview']) ) // temporary { $tpl_name = trim($_SESSION['cms_preview']); $fname = ''; if (is_writable($config["previews_path"])) { $fname = cms_join_path($config["previews_path"] , $tpl_name); } else { $fname = cms_join_path(TMP_CACHE_LOCATION , $tpl_name); } $fname = $tpl_name; if( !file_exists($fname) ) { die('error preview temp file not found: '.$fname); return false; } // build pageinfo $fh = fopen($fname,'r'); $_SESSION['cms_preview_data'] = unserialize(fread($fh,filesize($fname))); fclose($fh); unset($_SESSION['cms_preview']); $contentobj = $contentops->LoadContentFromSerializedData($_SESSION['cms_preview_data']); $contentobj->setId('__CMS_PREVIEW_PAGE__'); } else { $contentobj = $contentops->LoadContentFromAlias($page,true); } if( !is_object($contentobj) ) { // specified page not found, load the 404 error page. $contentobj = $contentops->LoadContentFromAlias('error404',true); if( !is_object($contentobj) ) { // that wasn't found either... display a hardcoded message. ErrorHandler404(); return; } else { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); header("Status: 404 Not Found"); } } // $page cannot be empty here if (is_object($contentobj)) { if( !$contentobj->IsViewable() ) { $url = $contentobj->GetURL(); if( $url != '' && $url != '#' ) { redirect($url); } } if( $contentobj->Secure() && (! isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'off') ) { // if this page is marked to be secure, make sure we redirect to the secure page. redirect($contentobj->GetURL()); } $allow_cache = (int)get_site_preference('allow_browser_cache',0); $expiry = (int)max(0,get_site_preference('browser_cache_expiry',60)); $expiry *= $allow_cache; if( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' || !$contentobj->Cachable() || $page == '__CMS_PREVIEW_PAGE__' || $expiry == 0 ) { // Here we adjust headers for non cachable pages header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); } else { // as far as we know, the output is cachable at this point... // so we mark it so that the output can be cached. header('Expires: '.gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s",time() + $expiry * 60).' GMT'); $the_date = time(); if( $contentobj->Cachable() ) { $the_date = $contentobj->GetModifiedDate(); } header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s',$the_date) . ' GMT'); } cmsms()->set_variable('content_obj',$contentobj); $smarty->assign('content_obj',$contentobj); if( $contentobj->Secure() && (! isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'off') ) { // if this page is marked to be secure, make sure we redirect to the secure page. redirect($contentobj->GetURL()); } cmsms()->set_variable('content_obj',$contentobj); cmsms()->set_variable('content_id',$contentobj->Id()); cmsms()->set_variable('page',$page); cmsms()->set_variable('page_id',$page); cmsms()->set_variable('page_name',$contentobj->Alias()); cmsms()->set_variable('position',$contentobj->Hierarchy()); cmsms()->set_variable('friendly_position',$contentops->CreateFriendlyHierarchyPosition($contentobj->Hierarchy())); $smarty->assign('content_obj',$contentobj); $smarty->assign('content_id', $contentobj->Id()); $smarty->assign('page', $page); $smarty->assign('page_id', $page); $smarty->assign('page_name', $contentobj->Alias()); $smarty->assign('page_alias', $contentobj->Alias()); $smarty->assign('position', $contentobj->Hierarchy()); $smarty->assign('friendly_position', $gCms->variables['friendly_position']); } else // else if (get_site_preference('enablecustom404') == '' || get_site_preference('enablecustom404') == "0") { ErrorHandler404(); exit; } $html = ''; $showtemplate = true; if ((isset($_REQUEST['showtemplate']) && $_REQUEST['showtemplate'] == 'false') || (isset($smarty->id) && $smarty->id != '' && isset($_REQUEST[$smarty->id.'showtemplate']) && $_REQUEST[$smarty->id.'showtemplate'] == 'false')) { $showtemplate = false; } if (isset($_GET["print"])) { $pageinfo = cmsms()->get_variable('pageinfo'); $html = $smarty->fetch('print:'.$page, '', $pageinfo->template_id) . "\n"; } else { #If this is a case where a module doesn't want a template to be shown, just disable caching if( !$showtemplate ) { // snarfed from process_pagedata plugin $tpl = $contentobj->GetPropertyValue('pagedata',''); if( !empty($tpl) ) { $smarty->_compile_source('preprocess template', $tpl, $_compiled); @ob_start(); $smarty->_eval('?>' . $_compiled); $result = @ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); } // now parse the default content block. $html = $smarty->fetch('template:notemplate') . "\n"; } else { //$smarty->caching = false; // $smarty->compile_check = true; // we allow backward compatibility (for a while) // for people that have hacks for setting page title // or header variables by capturing a modules output // to a smarty variable, and then displaying it later. if( isset($config['process_whole_template']) && $config['process_whole_template'] === false ) { $top = $smarty->fetch('tpl_top:'.$contentobj->TemplateId()); $body = $smarty->fetch('tpl_body:'.$contentobj->TemplateId()); $head = $smarty->fetch('tpl_head:'.$contentobj->TemplateId()); $html = $top.$head.$body; } else { $html = $smarty->fetch('template:'.$contentobj->TemplateId()); } } } Events::SendEvent('Core', 'ContentPostRender', array('content' => &$html)); $ct = cmsms()->get_variable['content-type']; if( !$ct ) $ct = 'text/html'; header("Content-Type: $ct; charset=" . get_encoding()); echo $html; @ob_flush(); $endtime = microtime(); $db =& cmsms()->GetDb(); $memory = (function_exists('memory_get_usage')?memory_get_usage():0); $memory = $memory - $orig_memory; $memory_peak = (function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')?memory_get_peak_usage():0); if ( !is_sitedown() && $config["debug"] == true) { echo "

Generated in ".microtime_diff($starttime,$endtime)." seconds by CMS Made Simple using ".(isset($db->query_count)?$db->query_count:'')." SQL queries and {$memory} bytes of memory (peak memory usage was {$memory_peak})

"; } else if( isset($config['show_performance_info']) && ($showtemplate == true) ) { debug_to_log('performance info: '.microtime_diff($starttime,$endtime)." / ".(isset($db->query_count)?$db->query_count:'')." / {$memory} / {$memory_peak}"); echo "\n"; } if( is_sitedown() || $config['debug'] == true) { $smarty->clear_compiled_tpl(); #$smarty->clear_all_cache(); } if ( !is_sitedown() && $config["debug"] == true) { #$db->LogSQL(false); // turn off logging # output summary of SQL logging results #$perf = NewPerfMonitor($db); #echo $perf->SuspiciousSQL(); #echo $perf->ExpensiveSQL(); #echo $sql_queries; foreach ($gCms->errors as $error) { echo $error; } } if( $page == '__CMS_PREVIEW_PAGE__' && isset($_SESSION['cms_preview']) ) // temporary { unset($_SESSION['cms_preview']); } # vim:ts=4 sw=4 noet ?>